Monday, November 16, 2009

Heads Or Tails - Autumn Memory

Me and Mr. Skittles just got back from a short trip to Pennsylvania. We met up with a blogging friend and you can read about that a couple posts down. (Hi, Jeni!) But today I'm going to post about another place we visited.. the crash site of Flight 93 that occurred on 9/11.

A bigger memorial is in the planning for this area and in fact there weren't many signs to lead us in to it. One sign was even hand painted. I suppose those who want (need?) to find it will find it.

It goes without saying that being so close to where heroes had given their lives was a very emotional experience. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.


Unknown said...

What a powerful memory that would be. Thanks for sharing.

Erika Jean said...

So sad.

Dawn said...

I can't even imagine what it would feel like to be there. That was such a sad day in American history, but the people on that plane were very brave.

Smalltown RN said...

Thank you for sharing your experience at the memorial....

My Heads or Tails is up.....I love autumn

Forgetfulone said...

Wow! I'm glad you posted pix so we could experience it in a small way.

Jeni said...

I think from time to time that I would like to go see this memorial but then, just looking at these pictures makes me tear up so I wonder how well I would be able to hold up if I saw this in person?

Such sadness with respect to that flight and to the entire chain of events on that day.

Clara said...

They were heroes and will live in our memories. I can only imagine how emotional and heart wrenching it was to visit.

The Curmudgeon said...

That would be a place I'd like to see some day.

Mike said...

It seems our vacations end up going to sad places like this. It does make for some wonderful memories though. I like the way we travel :)

Grace said...

Glad to see you back to HOTs. Thank you for sharing the trip... I still get chills up and down my spine thinking of that horrific day.

Karen said...

That reminds me of when we went to Gettysburg. It stirs up all kinds of emotions.

Misty DawnS said...

Oh wow... I've got goosebumps. The pictures really do speak for themselves.

peppylady (Dora) said...

It sad but well done.

Coffee is on.

Calico Crazy said...

Lovely post Barb, and wonderful photographs of such a special place. Sorry I didn't do HoT this week, I promise I'll get my act together for next week.

Calico Contemplations

Nepal Trekking said...

It's a really fantastic scenery thanks for your sharing i am so happy with this post.