Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Quick As A Flash

I have a scar on my elbow. Whenever I happen to notice it I remember how I got it.

I remember being frightened of my ex's drunk and erratic driving. The way he cut in and out of traffic. I remember the car going off the road then starting to flip when it came back and a rear tire blew out. I remember waking up in the hospital. I remember my mom showing up and drive us home. The memories come quick as a flash and go just as quickly.

I have other scars. (Don't we all?) There are some that are deep inside me. The childhood memories. Every once in a while I happen upon one of them and I remember how it got there and how I felt. These memories last longer in my head than do the memories of the visual scars.

But they do go away.. Until next time. In between? I have some peace.


Eve said...

Scars are quite often badges of courage. Most of my scars, the visible ones, are from surgeries. They remind me how much better I am now than I was then.

angel6033 said...

It's funny how scars can serve a useful reminder of things in our lives, wether good or bad, I went through a period of "self harm" I have plent of scars from thoose days, now they are just there to remind me that I made it out of that a stronger more mature person..

Smalltown RN said...

You are right...well all have scars...some fade quicker and easier than others...some scars like to linger...but eventually they to fade or at least become less predominant...they all carry stories...some say they might be stories better left untold...but I don't know about that....

Unknown said...

Scars! I have a lot of 'em. Sometimes, I wish we can undo them. Sometimes, I thank they're there because that made you wiser.

Beautiful post! :)