Let's face it. ALL my friends are online and that's ok with me except it would be nice to see some of ya'll face to face at times. Share a cup of coffee and a hug. Maybe go OUTSIDE and go shopping. Girlfriend things.
Well imagine my surprise today when I found out I was someone's BEST friend! I have a BFF! I about peed my pants.
Today is a happy day. =)
having a BFF is a good thing...yah?
Aw, that's great! It's a nice feeling.
good for you....i think sometimes we get isolated and people are good
That is totally awesome :)
Aw Barb -give yourself a whole lot of credit here in that you are a BFF to bunches and bunches of people. Yeah -I do agree though that it is nice to be able to sit and sip some coffee -or anything really -and chit chat face to face though.
Hi Barb! You're right. BFF's are nice to have! Sorry I haven't been by lately. Life. :sigh: Hope to get back in the swing of things again. Have a great day!
Barb, I would have to echo what Jeni said, you have so many friends out here...but you are right we may not be able to see each other and have coffee...but we are with you in print and spirit....hugs from one of your BFF.....
You do have lots of friends, and I wish it were easier to meet our online friends in real life. I've met a couple of mine, so it does happen. And why would I be surprised to know you had a BFF? I wouldn't! I bet you have lots and just don't know it yet.
BFFs are great... aren't they? Online friends sometimes are the most loyal ones we can have.
I don't like limits, so I have many BFFs (who the he*l says you can only have one???), and you're one of em :-)
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