Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy 8th Birthday
to my

A video my daughter put together for him.
Won't you spend a couple minutes watching him grow up?


Sara said...

Ohh... :(
I'm not usually like this, but I had to stop watching for a minute to stop myself from tearing up.
Happy B-day sweetie!

Misty DawnS said...

Happy birthday to the most special and adorable virtual nephew in the world!!! Love you Jakob! This video is absolutely outstanding - I cried.

Dawn said...

That video is just so sweet! I hope your grandson has a wonderful birthday. :-)

Positive Pieces Prevail said...

Sweet and adorable post...Happy Birthday young Jakob!!!!

ShannonW said...

Happy Birthday! I enjoyed watching you grow up through the video!!!

Jeni said...

What a great array of pictures of a beautiful little baby who has grown in 8 short years into a really good looking boy and who, if he keeps going the way he has been, will surely grow up to be one very, very handsome man!
Happy Birthday and many, many more!