Monday, May 10, 2010

The Last Three Days

I finally quit putting off going to get fasting blood work done and did it last Friday. It was raining like crazy with thunder and lightning so I could have had a handy excuse to stay home again, but I didn't. Go me.

I was quite proud of myself afterwards and even called a friend from my cellphone on the way home. She was proud of me, too. Oh.. I guess it goes without saying that Mr. Skittles drove me. I'm not THAT brave enough. Not yet.

Afterwards we scouted out a local school's grounds and found what we'd hoped to see.. a large fenced in area where we can start taking Hannah to run and burn off some energy.


Sunday we went grocery shopping. Yes, I said WE. I swear we bought everything except prenatal vitamins! We ate a lot of fast food last week because I wasn't up to cooking and couldn't get my mind around making a list for Mr. Skittles.

Other than that we spent the weekend watching a seven part documentary about World War II.


I hope all you moms had a nice Mother's Day. I called my mom and my MIL when I woke up. My oldest son called me in the afternoon and we chit chatted for a bit. He said he was glad I was his mom. One of those awwww moments. =)


Nikki Neurotic said...

I'm really glad you were able to get out of the house. Happy Belated Mother's Day.

ShannonW said...

Way to go Barb!!!

Forgetfulone said...

I'm so glad to hear that you've had a great 3 days. Yay you! Happy belated Mother's Day.

Berni said...

Glad you got out, important to have those tests. How are you enjoying living a mobile home park have you made any friends there yet.

Rose said...

Great that you got your blood work.I tend to get the heebe jibbes(spelling may be wrong). Good to hear you also had some great days. Go foR IT!