Sunday, August 08, 2010

Doesn't Look This Bad

My desk does not look this bad. No papers stacked up on it and there never will be. Mine is full of medicine bottles, prescription and OTC like vitamins and such. There's dog medicine, too. Prescriptions for a booboo owie she had and vitamins for her coat. Actually most are on the hutch attached to the desk.

I LOVED my old desk. The legs got wobbly on it though. Try to move it and they would collapse kind of wobbly. There came a time when I knew I had to say Hon office furniture is needed here.

I think we bought this new one at Kmart. Probably SHOULD have bought something better, but hindsight is 20/20 as they say. Anyway. It serves its purpose.

What's the oddest thing on your desk?


Note: I normally ride my exercise bike 25 minutes a day but will add an extra minute for each comment I get on this post. One comment per person, please =)


Anonymous said...

probably dental floss--I like to blog and floss at the same time (terrible head picture, I know).

Mike said...

Depends on what you call odd really lol. How about a voltmeter? or a couple of r/c car batteries? Take your pick lol.

Nikki Neurotic said...

My desk is a total disaster. It would probably be better if I actually used my desk top...but I'm still using the Netbook.

Rose said...

on my desk, i have man made out od wood smoking a pipe. Rose

rhymeswithplague said...

My desk is very normal, thank you very much, except for (now that you mention it) the dog's chewy toy and the little plaque that says "Angels are just Havanese with Wings" and the Lucite pyramid with the copper map (Mercator projection) floating inside it that is a Bronze Recognition Award from my former employer, IBM -- so I suppose the map is bronze, then, and not copper -- and the little tube of Hydrocortisone cream (1%) and the three funny-looking little decorative teapots that belong to my wife.

Misty DawnS said...

Psst - Gina! That's where the RC batteries went... they're on your dad's desk!

Ohhh ummm... anyway, as I was saying. I don't have a desk at home. My lap is my desk. Dangit! Now you've got me wanting my own desk! Heck now I want my own office! *running to tell Hubs to put another addition on the house*... *walking back with head hung low cuz he said no*

Grace said...

Oddest thing on my desk... hummm...
My desk at home - I'd have to say bottle caps from 20 oz diet cokes... they have codes under the cap... so I save them up to 'register' them at
My desk at work - I just started a new job yesterday - so there's nothing odd... as it's a pretty barren desk/office right now.

Marie Anne said...

I've got all sorts of junk and papers on my desk. The oddest thing is probably a tube of liquid stitch fabric glue.

Since I'm here on the computer more than anywhere else, I left it here to remind me to use it on something. Of course now I've forgotten what I was going to do with it.