Thursday, September 16, 2010


I went to the ER last night around 8pm with pain in my chest. I knew I'd just been checked the week before, but it's better to go and not need to be there than to not go and should have. At least that's my way of thinking.

After having some routine tests done and being put in an observation room for a while I was sent along my merry way this morning around 8am.

The doctor said my heart is fine and thinks I have a heavy duty case of acid reflux going on.

Mr. Skittles and I have been catnapping in our desk chairs after having been up almost all night. Later he'll make a quick run to Walgreens to get me some Prilosec. I'm pretty sure it's located in the same part of the store as top diet pills.. which is the pharmacy. *Taps head* I'm a smart cookie, huh?


Kbob said...

feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, last message was mine but hubby's account. Like I said, feel better soon :)

Rose said...

glad it wasn't major illness but hope you feel better. i agree if you need go to the ER room.