I'm going to do things differently this time. I'm not going to be widget-happy. (Quit clapping. I know who you are. Ok, I don't.) I'm not going to be so overly concerned with hits and joining everything under the sun to get some exposure for my blog. The word of the day is "SIMPLIFY." Hopefully my blog AND my life.
I will resume posting "Quickies" and "Caption" stuff and everything else I used to do. It's the same old Skittles.. don't worry!
I lost all your blog links except for a few. I'll try to pick up the rest as I go along. Be patient with me is all I ask.
Pssst. I have my own domain now! (Happy Dance.)
Wow!!!! Best wishes with your new blog! I'm certain it will be just as great :)
I finally changed over to FireFox so I could load your site easier and Bam! You were gone-lol! I am so glad you are back. Bookmarking the new Heads or tails site too! Woohoo! Glad you're back!
Hi! At first, I was not able to view your new blog, then I thought, oh it could be what she was talking about last week...Congratulations!
I am happy that you thought of just simplyfying and not finally saying goodbye.
p.s. My two memes (Scrumptious Sunday & Hump Day Humor) at Mercedes Rocks have finally been added to The Daily Meme! Woohoo!
That's one glorious grandchild you have there! Congratulations.
I like your the new blog look.
YAY! I'm glad you are back :) Sorry I haven't commented in a long time, been so busy with moving and stuff.
Glad you're still here!
LOL....hey? My art professors always told me "the simpler the better"....guess you took the same class! [But mine is never simple.
I'm glad you are back! I love reading your blog :)
I'm happy to see you're back! Love the new look!
Wow...it looks amazing! I miss the skittles tho...it was a little candy indulgence each time I visited!
YAY!! Skittles is back! I'm glad you've decided to come back. Your new grandchild is beautiful - of course!!
OMG I was freaking out when I saw you gone!! You're my first blog to read everytime I do my "blogging". I'm sooo glad you're back! :)
I wondered where you went... :)
Did you have a good time in GR yesterday? I love the picture of you and the new baby!
Glad to see you back! :)
Welcome back! The blogosphere just wouldn't be the same without you.
I am so glad you are back. I was worried SICK about you more than I was sick over the Easter Candy!!!!!
Good luck on the rebuilding. Congrats on the domain name!
I heard a rumor...and then it was deleted...and then it was by invitation only....
I was gonna wait a couple days and then start emailing you.
cool on your own domain!
Are you going to bring back the instructional links? I liked those how to things.
BTW...yay on your own domain!
Well I'm a newer reader anyway, but I hear what you're saying. When I stopped worrying that I wasn't getting enough hits, then I began to blog the real me. Congrats on the nice site.
Welcome back Barb. Missed you!
wow it loads more quickly now!
congratulations on your new blog!
whew, glad you're back! when your blog went invite only, i emailed, but now you're back, which rocks. glad that you've found a good way to keep on blogging!
btw, your grandkids are adorable! lucky you.
Your return to blogland made my day!
TY! ♥
I updated my links to your own domain!
It's so much better when you don't tie down to the blog. Kudos to you!! XXOO
You had -- what? 85,000? 87,000? -- a lot more hits on the old blog that I've had and you started yours well after I started mine.
So that was something.
It just wasn't an end in itself for you, and that's all good.
Congratulations on the new venture.
simple is always better...glad I could help out
You came back! So glad you did and I'm glad I found you Barb. xx
I am so glad that you are back!
So so glad you're back. I deleted mine last year and stayed gone about two weeks. It made me crazy and I had to come back. The great thing about blogging is you can always do it your way!
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