Monday, April 21, 2008

Heads Or Tails #35 - Direction


When I picked this week's theme a while ago I was thinking I would probably post about the trips me and hubby make where we never really know what direction we will be going. I've decided to post instead about the new direction my life is taking in regards to my time spent online and specifically with blogging.

I've written before that to me blogging has been a love/hate relationship. I used to spend whole days sitting at my desk, refreshing my blog and my email looking for new comments. I would obsess over watching my hit counter and joining places to get my blog some exposure. In the process I lost track of "me."

I've deleted my blog twice. The first time I managed to get it back. The last time I didn't even try. I think I knew I wanted it to take a different direction and if I came back, I would make things better. I've accomplished that to a certain degree, but those of you who are frequent visitors will know that it's still been a struggle for me and I've had to take a step back. (Then I got sick and was away for that reason.)

What I've done in all this time is think. And learn. I've found I can step away and not get all twitchy. I can go for a walk, play with my dog, keep up on the house, have meals ready when hubby comes home. We can watch movies and TV.

I may have swung too far in the other direction though because now I spend too little time here. I've gotten awful at paying reciprocal visits. (I'll work on getting better at that.) But if given a choice I think I will choose real life from now on.


A directional video -

You can play this at Heads Or Tails.



Holly Smith said...

I know what you mean. I used to spend all day refreshing Payperpost like it was some sort of slot machine. I have to remember that making 5 more dollars isn't really that important in the grand scheme of things....LOL

I think it's good to just take complete days off from blogging, the computer, etc.

Susan Demeter said...

I agree with Mama PJ. I have recently taken more time for myself, and feel better for it. :) Sometimes we need to switch direction for a bit.

Happy HOT day, and great entry!

Jen said...

I agree with you 100%! I have so much I want to blog about, but am not doing so. On one hand, I wish I could and had the time. On the other hand, I feel accomplished in what I'm getting done around the house, etc. I hope you are feeling better :)

jenn said...

I think the nice weather is contributing to my lack of blogging. Who wants to be sitting at the computer when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping?

Mom Knows Everything said...

All of these ladies who have commented are pretty smart. I totally agree with them. I think blogging is a fun part of my life, but it is only a part of it and has to stay that way. Hugs Tammy

Linda said...

Ditto. I don't blog on the weekends, not because I don't have time, it's just a nice little break. Enjoy your "real" time, just don't leave us entirely.

Nikki Neurotic said...

I find that at times I tend to think a little too much about blogging, and I sort of miss other things. So I try to keep it balanced. I don't get as bothered as I did when I can't write anything on a certain day or I didn't get a chance to catch up on the posts that are in my google reader. I know eventually I'll catch up.

Hootin Anni said...

I tend to stay on and time myself. If my time is up for the morning, I then...walk away. And I then come back on to do a blog entry for the next day, and actually SHUT the COMPUTER OFF!!!!

Mine's posted....[rofl]

Berni said...

I think you post quite a bit. It can get to be quite a bit replying to everyone too. I am trying to get out and walk more. The temptation to mess with the computer is hazardous to the health. Don't be hard on yourself. I won't delete you on my reader if you don't post every day. Vic

Cariboo Ponderer

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Barb - I agree with you 100% - I need to spend more time living in real life than online.I could have written this ..but you said it so much better.I might even shut the internet off ...later.
Baby steps .... baby steps ... !
I do need to step away -thanks.

Misty DawnS said...

Yeah - a certain friend of mine has been helping me realize that the world is not going to end if I don't spend 15 hours with my laptop in my lap blogging. That friend even convinced me to go open a book, which has always been something I loved, but stopped doing due to blogging. Now, I've finished a book and started a new one...
I owe a lot to that friend :-)

Unknown said...

wonderful post skittles - great minds think alike today when interpretting the theme :-)

bundle-o-contradictions said...

I'm a bit twitchy myself when I'm @ work. I think I've actually developed an addiction because stuff is suffering. It's easier @ home because of the dial-up, but even then...
You go whichever direction you choose & you're friends will find you. (You can't hide from us, you know!! hee hee)
Seriously fantabulous song!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!

Annabel said...

you're doing a great job, it seems like you're getting closer and closer to having the balance you want - and you know that, whatever you do, everyone here will be behind you!

Anonymous said...

I tend to get obsessed when I start something new. But this blogging obsession is a year and a half old now and growing. When you took your counters down I was thinking of doing the same thing, but I can't! I am trying to follow your example but it is very hard. But I'm glad you are there because you are a great role model.

Rebecca said...

Oh it's so easy to get sucked into that stat counter, or checking for new comments. Fortunately for me I have work that forces me to step away every once in a while ;-)

Happy HoT! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Hot.

Hope you are feeling better

smarmoofus said...

I can completely relate to the slipping away from it, even though I was never the avid blogger that you have been. I feel just as bad as you do for not posting more often. But you post much more often than I do, so you have nothing to worry about. I, on the other hand... *chagrin*


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're still blogging, and that it's now a healthier experience for you. We can only benefit from you feeling better about the direction you're headed.

Take care. :)

Juliana RW said...

great post and nice video also :D

Will you visit mine Thanks

Alison said...

Sometimes it takes contrast for us to find where the balance is. Going to far in one direction can help for finding that middle ground.
A very insightful post. Love it.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad you are back,and I'm so glad you host Heads or Tails because I really enjoy it. I've been lucky that blogging has actually enhanced my real life by giving me a creative outlet and a reason to get out and take more pictures and see things differently, but I understand getting sucked in, too, and I would make the same choice as you to spend less time blogging if it got in the way.

Jeni said...

I was so worried about you when you blipped your blog out recently but then, happy when you returned. However, I can understand fully your "new" direction as I've kind of been taking the same steps myself. Partly because with three others in the house all wanting some time on the computer, I was getting pushed into either doing my blogging during the time the 16-year-old is in school, providing my daughter also had work at that time or else, waiting till way late at night to do all my blog reading -like I'm doing tonight. It's 2 a.m. and I'm finally down to the "S" blogs (alphabetically, ya know, on the reader!) I've also been getting up slightly earlier, not being able to squeeze in a nice afternoon nap either so maintaining the really wild late hours isn't as easy now as it was either -plus the little guy is usually sleeping better now too and not keeping me awake all the bloody night either. So, I'm re-adjusting my blogging somewhat like you are too! Been missing a lot of other things going on by camping too long and hard in front of the computer.

Sonny said...

I totally agree Barb. Just at the moment, I need to give more time to my real/privat life. Final exam is next week!!!

That is my direction! I've posted my HoT. So come over if you like to.

Hugs, &hearts Sonny

ShannonW said...

Awesome HoT Skittles! I enjoyed reading it.

Sheena said...

Hi Skittles... I'm back (after a month of no post).
Oh...I have also deleted a number of blogs....(love or hate blah blah.
Maybe it is good to share this news to you & to the rest of our dear Hotties out there...

Texting while driving? Time to unplug


storyteller said...

I enjoyed learning a bit more about you from today’s HoT post. Thanks for sharing. I’m playing for the 3rd time at Small Reflections this week … and loved ‘playing’ with this week’s prompt.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

What can I say, blogging for me is a good pastime. I actually maintain 2 blogs but I don't let them get in the way of my mommy duties and other activities. By the way, I instantly recognized the vid clip even w/o playing it yet...The Pet Shop Boys singing West End Girls. I had a good time watching it. :)

Jersey - The Furry Diva said...

Very well done, Miss Barb! I bet Sasha is happy, too. =)


Hope you´re feeling better! *nose-licks*

Anonymous said...

Very well said (written) and done, Barb!

I hope you are feeling better. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We ♥ you!

Anonymous said...

Oh... and thanks for hosting another HoT Tuesday - and for posting the pretty cool "Westend Girls" video =)

Unknown said...

Great post, and you know we all have to take to rethink the direction our life leads us. We will always be here for you.

Anonymous said...

this is such a nice post!

although blogging is fun, it sometimes does take away from living a real life! i hope we get better with balance and time management.

Rambler said...

I guess one should just do as they if you feel like not writing for a while..may be one should just take a break..ofcourse we will miss you...but then we know how much it means to you

Gina said...

You always need to think of yourself first and foremost. This blogging thing can get addictive, but if you need the break you need the break!

Natalie said...

Real Life is better, but I think I spend too much time online. I'm just in such a secluded little town that I don't know what else to do. :(

Deb said...

I know what you mean - it's so easy to get caught up in the whole blogging experience. I've had to pull myself back a bit at times too. I know I need to get better about putting the computer away at a decent hour in order to get more sleep. That's my next challenge. :)

Akelamalu said...

I don't spend as much time blogging as I did. I used to post every day now I only usually post 4 times a week. Also I've just discovered Google Reader, I know I'm slow on the uptake, which has cut my blogging time down a lot. I used to visit all the people on my blogroll just to see if they'd posted!

Hey it's Amy Benson said...

I spend a LOT of time online, then I try to take a break for a few days. I find I get more done if I do things in the morning- then go online...
I liked your post!
My HoT will be up shortly♥

The Curmudgeon said...

What happened to Mr. Linky?

Well, you know I spend way too much time on this stuff.... and even at that I don't keep up on visiting sites or my actual, real-life work.


Inspiration Alley said...

I can totally relate to this. I even went through a stage when I made my blog private and wrote just for myself to stop the obsessive behaviour.

Anonymous said...


Le Butterfly said...

It is so true. As with everything in life - things in moderation are better.

I had to stop comparing myself to others - I have also deleted to blogs - I tried to do them anon.

Using the internet and blogging should enhance our lives or be an extension of expression.

Thank you for sharing your life and feelings with us.

Anonymous said...

You make good points.
I try to have some sort of schedule to do my posts and visting/commenting. I am lucky that my blog platform has automatated posting, so I can write all my posts and put them in the time field and they post automatically. What a time saver that is!

Anonymous said...

Wahhhh! Sorry, I've missed Heads or Tails. I was confined in the hospital for almost one week because of my severe pulmonary pressure and I always had cyanosis. I hope I could do it this week...