Monday, April 21, 2008

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
Do you feel safe enough in your neighborhood to take a nighttime walk?


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Very safe...I love my beach side village... :)

Gellianne said...

Yes, we do. We are paying for the security guards, anyways...

Kidding aside, this is a quiet environment we have here. But we are moving out and the place we will go to is not that safe...yes, no security guards there!

Jan said...

Well, Barb, I live an hour outside of New Orleans, therefore we have been bombarded by the drug dealers, etc. thanks to Katrina. With that being said, I feel safe if hubby is with me but I don't feel "comfortable" going out too too late. I'm sure it's probably safe but I'm just a big ole chicken. I miss the good ole days pre-Katrina. :sigh:

Mike said...

Oh yeah lol. Compared to where I did live, this is like Disney World :)

noisysmile said...

yes, but this area is tricky. the neighborhoods seem to alternate between ghetto and very wealthy. There are people who literally drive to a different neighborhood a few blocks down the road so they can take a stroll. There seems to be several blocks where I live, however, that are safe to walk in without the hassle of driving. But I still take the dogs because kc is still too close for comfort.

Heather said...

i do feel pretty safe here in Boise, Idaho. My neighborhood is not (by far) the best and we do have our problems, but i will walk at night and an even bigger gage is that i will still allow my 13 and 14 year old boys to walk from place to place at night.

Gretchen said...

Always. I can be found roaming around at all hours of the night and day. It's not unusual to find me out at 1 or 2 a.m., taking the dog for a walk.

Misty DawnS said...

Most definitely. The only thing that gives me the creeps is the coyotes.

poor man's nicole richie said...

sadly, never. safety and security are not assured of tax payers

c",) Morning Sniffles

Rebecca said...

Only in a bullet-proof bubble. :-0 Okay, so it's not quite that bad, but no, it's definitely not a "safe" neighborhood.

Teri said...


bundle-o-contradictions said...

I would if it weren't for the teenagers & their speeding & obviously being bored enough to maybe do something stupid. (Oh, wow, how old do I sound??)

Heart of Rachel said...

I feel safe walking around at night because of the good security of our village. There are roving security guards on motorcycles who periodically goes around.

Nikki Neurotic said...

No, not alone. Perhaps in a group, but never by myself.

withthanksgiving said...

My town is split half affluent and half rural farming. I think it is quite nice. So Yeah. If I wanted to walk at night I would feel safe enough. I won't walk at night though just because.

maggie at

also can we get back other non-google bloggers able to comment option.

Anonymous said...

I used to until we started watching those forensic shows. heehee

Jen said...

Yes I do :)

Mom Knows Everything said...

The only that might jump out at me is a wild animal, and I'm not talking about a guy. LOL

Bethany said...

Not here in the City but at my parents' place, absolutely. I've done it more times than I can count.

Forgetfulone said...

Great HoT post! Thanks, Barb. This really made me think.

Anonymous said...

My brother in law is afraid to go outside by himself after dark because it is very dark! lol There have been moments when I worried that the coyotes (or bears) were watching me or my dogs. Does that count?

Sheena said...

Oh... I have deleted a number of blogs too (love or hate blah blah).

I would like to share this: Texting while driving? Time to unplug ---->


Hey it's Amy Benson said...

Yes, with my doggie. But not late. I will go as the sun is setting and be home just after dark. Sometimes I go running with her at night. But not after 9:30 I am a little nervous tho...

Smalltown RN said...


Smalltown RN said...

oops....wildlife doesn't count right...I mean I am afraid of bears.....

Sandy M said...

Yes, and we do often.