I can count how many years I've had a computer and been online by counting the inches on my butt.
Every night I tell myself I won't log on the next day until I get all my housework or shopping done. Every morning I tell myself I'll log on for a minute or two.. just long enough to enjoy a cup of coffee. (I know you're smiling because you know what comes next.)
The next thing I know hours (and HOURS) have gone by. I manage to rush around and tidy up enough to satisfy myself that the day wasn't a total loss.. but the inches keep adding up. I don't think even weight loss pills will help if I never get any exercise.
I try to get up and stretch ;) I can sooo relate to your post :)
I hear ya! My butt is getting bigger too! :o(
Yesterday I made myself take a walk before I signed online, I used allen's MP3 player though....so I told him he better get the music uploaded to this computer fast so I'll walk again.
I spend far too much time on this thing.
I enjoy being online :) The "real world" just pisses me off.
haha Too funny and relatable!
How about we try this as we sit for many hours?...
Squeezzze our cheeks and Release
Squeezze our cheeks and release
(then we can afford to have another cookie with that cup of jOe!!)
its not just hours for me... its all darn day!!
I hear what you are saying...it's is so easy for time to slip by as you are surfing the net...looking and commenting on blogs...playing games...ah yes....thank god I have my work to keep me in tow....
I'm the same way. Except, lately, I can't find the time or energy to do anything and it is ticking me off.
I'm sorry I haven't visited lately... are you disowning me yet?
I know, I know.
Where does the time go?
Sometimes I feel guilty because I wonder if being online is unproductive???
If you say something and people can learn something from it, then isn't that a good thing?
I better go ask Martha. ;-]
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