Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Heads Or Tails #58 - Shake

You can play this at Heads Or Tails!


This past Saturday I got shaken up with abdominal pain. What had been creeping up on me pretending to be heartburn or just a sour stomach for the past week became almost unbearable. In the early morning hours of Sunday morning we made a trip to the local emergency room. where my suspicion was confirmed.

My pancreas was acting up again. (Some of you may recall I went through this last April, too.) I was poked, prodded, x-rayed, give a prescription for Darvocet, and came home Sunday morning around 7am, with instructions to come back if it got worse.

It did and Sunday afternoon found me right back at the ER. This time I was admitted.

Ya'll may be thinking "good." I may tend to agree except for the fact that I still have a touch of agoraphobia and am still prone to panic attacks. Being "locked up" in there was very stressful for me and even though they were giving me Ativan for my panic, it wasn't strong enough. I managed to stay overnight and have a CAT scan done, but checked myself out around 9pm Monday against doctor's advice.

I'm in moderate pain today and have a 2pm appointment with my primary physician. I'll let you know how that goes..


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ShannonW said...

Hi Barb :) *Hugs* You are in my prayers! I do hope you feel better soon.

The Curmudgeon said...

Nothing at all wrong with not wanting to be in the hospital in my opinion. Hope you feel better soon.

Akelamalu said...

Oh Barb, sorry to hear you're having this trouble again. I hope you get it sorted. x

Jeni said...

Having had four occasions in the past five years where I was "locked" in -so to speak -the hospital for a full week three times and only three days on the fourth occasion, I can relate totally to your wanting to be home, where things are familiar, comfortable and such. Hope they are able to give you some good answers, good meds too that help you heal quickly -and fully too! Just know you're in my thoughts and prayers to be back in fine form in record time. OKAY?

Anonymous said...

Hi Barb --
I hope all goes well in your case.
It is so bothersome when these issues come up and you feel so helpless and incapacitated.
I am thinking of you!

CJ said...

Barb -

I hope you're feeling better fast!

And there's just something wrong with looking back, isn't there? I mean, those costumes...

But KC was dreamy, wasn't he?


Mom Knows Everything said...

We were all really worried about you buddy! Hugs, Tammy

storyteller said...

You’re in my prayers. Pain like this is certainly no fun … and neither are the medical tests you’re undergoing. I certainly hope you’re feeling better soon. I enjoyed the video … and shared some shaking myself at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Of course you know my thoughts are with you. You know where to find me should you need to talk. ((hugs))

anthonynorth said...

Sorry to hear about your problems, and hope everything is okay. I'm a long term sufferer of cfs, so I know all about your feelings.

Annabel said...

hey, i hope ur feeling better soon. being sick is not good. i'll be thinking of you. xx

Tina said...

thanks for the update today. keep us all updated when you can, but dont worry about the blogging world. your health is more important x

Forgetfulone said...

I would be shaken up, too. This week's theme was great. I hope you're feeling better soon.