Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Health Update

The CAT scan came out OK but my blood levels showed something (I forget what) that indicates distress with my pancreas. Not to mention I'm still having pain.

If you look at the picture on the left you can see the green Common Bile Duct.. common to the pancreas and the gall bladder. In the 80's my gall bladder was removed and the doctor suspects I have some bad scar tissue there.

I have an appointment October 8 to have a scope put down there to check things out. Now I wasn't told but my guess is that if bad scar tissue is found, they will want to take it out. Fun. fun, fun.

In other news, I have an appointment this coming Thursday night to have my head examined. (Some might say this is long overdue.) I will be having an MRI done on my brain as it is now suspected I may have had one or more small strokes. This comes from a totally different set of symptoms of course.

My sugar readings have been on the high side, too.. so it's time to get back to some healthy cooking. Right after I feel like I can stand up without doubling over.


Mom Knows Everything said...

Please take care and I pray everything will come out good. Big hugs, Tammy

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Oh, dear. I wish you much wellness, my friend. Good thoughts comin' your way.

peppylady (Dora) said...

So Sorry and hope you feel better will say a prayer for you

Jeni said...

Time now to really hone in on the positive thinking process! No negative thinking allowed -absolutely NONE! It does help, trust me. Note: I didn't say it always cures everything but it does help across the board to have a unified front. Thoughts/prayers still going your way too.

Tina said...

oh no all sounds very serious. hope your gonna be ok. good luck for you xxx

Robyn Jones said...

I am sorry that you haven't been feeling well...I hope the tests all come back good...(some would say I need my head examined too...LOL!)

Lucy said...

sorry to hear you are having trouble and especially pain. Think positively Barb, It may not end up being a surgical procedure.

I had to have a brain MRI last year due to vertigo. I expected it to be awful but I didn't find it difficult at all. keep your eyes close and listen to nice music(they usually allow you to bring your own cd.) Also in case no one gave u this tip already.. Where elastic pants, if there is no metal zippers you can leave them on and at least be dressed in there!!
Good luck.

The Curmudgeon said...

This is my principal objection with doctors: Every time I go to one, they seem to find something wrong with me. At least that's been my experience. Sounds like it's yours, too.

I hope you're feeling stronger soon.

Akelamalu said...

It never rains but it pours! So sorry to hear this Barb, I'll remember you when I'm sending Reiki honey. x

ShannonW said...

Thank you for the update dear. Big hugs to you my friend.

Smalltown RN said...

OMG....I am so sorry to hear about you health issues....life just sucks sometimes doesn't it....I hope the results aren't to bad and that this can be dealt with in a timely fashion...thinking of you my friend

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this update, and I hope you are feeling better. I too suffer panic attacks on occasion, so in that way I can totally sympathise. I hope the pain has eased :(

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, dear...take care! I can surely relate to physical problems - this has been one of those years for me, too. Hope things improve very rapidly!!

Jen said...

Good grief. I'm so sorry all this is happening! Good luck with your appointment tomorrow !