We have a baby gate pretty much like the one in the picture except ours is for our puppy. Ours is made of sturdy plastic with those diamond shapes. It was leaning against a wall in the hallway and somehow I managed to hit it with a foot, knock it over, taking me down with it and landing on my knees HARD on the diamond shaped grids.
The first thing most people do when they fall is look around to see if anyone saw them do it. It was just me and the puppy at home and she took off like a bat out of hell. Lassie would have gone for help...
My knees and right shin start swelling. I managed to get my fat self off the floor and hobble in the PC room and call hubby at work. Come home pleaseeeee, I say. He comes home.
I look at my legs.. past the fat rolls and focused on the swelling shin, which seemed to be worse than the knees. Just to be safe I called my doctor's office and explained what had happened and how it looked and felt. They said to come in for x-rays.
Luckily the x-rays showed nothing broken or fractured and I was sent home to take lots of Motrin for a couple days and apply ice. (Ice, Ice, Baby.)
There IS a good side to this story. I got weighed while I was there and have lost six pounds. I don't know where, and I'm sure I'll find them again.. but for today I'll take it.
The fall knocked someweight off. I'm going to fall all the time until I knock mine all off. Hope you are alright.
oh now! glad u are okay though! feel better soon!
While your sitting grab a can of beans a use them like hand weights ;-) keep the evil 6 away!
Ouch! Heck of a way to find out some good news in the weight department. Take the loss for now and love it. Who knows, maybe there's a few more cells waiting around the corner to leave home too. I know the neat feeling of a few pounds missing when getting weighed at the doctors and that's a good one to have. Normally, it always seemed the doctor's scales added weight on me but the last two visits have been coming down a tad -not enough, true -just a tad but down a tad's better than the alternative, isn't it?
I am smiling at the 'Lassie would have gone for help' statement....but not smiling at your tumble.....hope you're ok...M
I think you mailed those 6 lbs back to Florida... and I found them...
Oh... I answered your pun ? on my blog.
Sorry to hear about your tumble glad to hear of the 6lb weight loss though.
Ouch...sorry about the fall, but congrats on the weight loss!
Sooooo glad you're OK - you had me worried!
"Lassie would have gone for help..." That made me burst out laughing.
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