Monday, May 11, 2009

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
Do you think it's possible there really IS a Loch Ness monster?


Lucy said...

yes..this morning he is shaving in my bathrooom!

Mom Knows Everything said...

Yep, and we have something we call the Ugg Lugg in our bay.

Jeni said...

Seems pretty hard to believe that it exists but then, who knows? Until someone finds reliable evidence, one way or the other, I think I'll just leave it as a legend.

Misty DawnS said...

I most certainly do believe there is something out there. They find new species previously not known about all the time... and animals adapt and mutate too. Of COURSE Loch Ness is real!!!

And don't even get me started on Big Foot - he used to try to kidnap me in my reoccuring dreams when I was little.

Akelamalu said...

Oh definitely!

Erika Jean said...


actually yes, but everyone was saying yes and I wanted to be different :-P

Andi said...

Yes...but I doubt it is a violent creature.