This was in a forwarded email. The ones that fill your inbox every dang day. All sending friendship hugs and teddy bears and angels. UGH.
Check out this one though:
If you saw ME in the back of a police car what would you think I got arrested for?
Well??? What would you think if you saw me? Hmmm?
Now go ask everyone you know what they think you would be in the back of one for!
Swinging your shirt over your head in public...
Getting too wild and rowdy when I come to visit...
Your guinea pig got caught trying to take over the world, and since you're her legal guardian, you had to take the rap...
You want more??? I can totally come up with more. bwahahahahaha
Playing "Knockie Knockers" in the middle of Fashion Bug. Yup, that's it. (I just made that game up, but I bet you can guess the rules.)
Getting caught walking Hannah and not having a "doggie bag" with you along with no pooper scooper maybe? I can think of a couple of other scenarios too but might be best if I don't go there with them in my comments! If I remember those goofy thoughts later and I'm still awake enough, I might follow through and send them to you in an e-mail! LOL
Threatening someone's life over the telephone... ol
beating up a telemarketer or door to door salesman! hee hee
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