Thursday, June 04, 2009

From My Front Porch

I don't know about you, but when I'm riding around at night, I like to look in people's windows to see what their stuff looks like. I never ever stop and walk up to the windows. If you do then you're breaking the law and I'm tellin'.

Last night I was outside with hubby walking the dog and I happened to look in OUR window. The sliding glass door to be exact. What I saw kind of caught me off guard.

My house looks warm and inviting, at least at night. It looks like a home. It is home.

I remember moving in here almost three years ago. How we had so many shipping boxes and as I was unpacking in this strange new town I thought I would never get used to living so far from my family. Then I realized not only was this my new home, that my new husband was my new family.

(By the way. We don't have a front porch.)


Lisa - Life Is Like a Box of Legos said...

What a wonderful surprise to find your own home warm and inviting! Helps align your perspective I think - sometimes we forget who we really are. I've tagged you in a meme, BTW ... check it out when you have a chance!

Lucy said...

haha you are so funny hot buttah..HB!
I am SOOOOO glad to hear you don't go up to the windows! Another thing I love about u... You always blog about things that WE ALL DO and can relate to!! I LOVE to try to see in windows when I do a drive by! Not only to see what the inside of their houses look like... but to hopefully catch some nude people! hahaha

Robyn Jones said...

I would have already tagged you...but you were already got...but you can leave 8 comments with me if you like... :)

(I am thinking Jesus isn't going to get much cash for me...I think I am expired...)

Misty DawnS said...

I bet everything you saw through your window was all organized and neat too :-P

*Running away*