Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
Do you blog from work?


Mom Knows Everything said...

I'm a housewife so this question doesn't really count for me, but sometimes I blog to avoid housework. hehe

P.S. Sorry I haven't had a chance to work on your template yet. I just got my computer fixed the other day so I'll get a start on it soon I promise!

Misty DawnS said...

What??? You mean to tell me that people blog from work?!?!


Pssst - what if blogging IS work??? What then? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Pssst - Gina is over on the hospital's helipad trying to proclaim that she is "Life Flight"...

Smalltown RN said...

I did....not bit me in the but...and it hurt.....lesson learnt....

Autumn said...

Only place I can! (But it's a secret...shhhh...) ;)
Besides, if I don't I may go postal.

maggie said...

I work from home so..... It is on work time but I limit it.

Anonymous said...

I don't. I don't have access to my blog from work (facebook is a different story). even if I did, I wouldn't. Not really enough time and I'm just not comfortable blogging anywhere but at home on MY computer.

Jeni said...

Well, considering I've only been blogging for almost three years but haven't work now in over six years, guess that gives you my answer, huh? Unless, as Misty suggested blogging could be considered to be work, then I do.

Lucy said...

my initial thought was NO i don't, but then I realized.. since I work from home... I guess I do blog from work.. not the actual location of where I work..but close enough! :)

Grace said...

quiet... don't let my boss know... K?