Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just A Quickie

Please scroll down for today's Friday Fill-Ins post.

Just a quickie..

How long has it been since you bought something from an ice cream truck? What did you get?


maggie said...

probably last summer. most likely a choco taco

One summer my ex operated an ice cream truck. I gained a few pounds that summer. LOL

Akelamalu said...

Gosh I can't remember when but I do remember what because I always have the same thing - a 99 twist!

Lucy said...

it was probably 2 summers ago! strawberry shortcake from good humor man!!

Autumn said...

About a year. A $6 Drumstick. Totally not worth it. & the ice cream man was really creepy!!!

Jeni said...

Probably about 37-38 years now since we don't have anything like that around here -way out in the boondocks, ya know.

Bethany said...

Gosh...15 years or so? I have no idea what we got, either. It's been WAY too long!

masgblog said...


Forgetfulone said...

Forever! But for my kids, last week. Thanks for the sweet comment on my WW post.

Misty DawnS said...

It's been too long!!! Now I want ice cream!