Ok. This took ten minutes to post. Including finding the clipart. Now what to do? *Laugh*
Total ....................... 34,469
Average per Day ................. 69
Average Visit Length .......... 2:24
This Week ...................... 480
How much attention do you give your blog statistics?
I'll have to check mine out. I haven't checked them out in months and months.
I check when I'm bored. Which usually averages a few times a day. lol!
Almost none....I get the little notice that my summary is in sometimes i check it sometimes i don't....what i find interesting is how many requests I get from people asking me if I would allow them to put a link on my blog to theirs or would I allow them a space on my blog...I haven't said yes to anyone yet....not sure that I will...but I kind of feel proud being asked...
I try not to check them... because when I do I get depressed. But you knew this as we've talked about it.
Wow... 69 visits a day...
I dont know how to check that? But I am better off I think I would be dissapointed lol
Way too much. Way, way too much.
I used to pay a lot of attention to my stats... that's when I had an audience. Then I started making blogging 'not fun' and fighting the depression... now I don't have an audience and I just delete the stat checker e-mails.
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