I mentioned this to Mr. Skittles and he remarked that Ardmore sounded familiar but he couldn't remember why. I reminded him..
I've told this story here before so I won't go into the whole thing, but when I was a teenager I ran away with an aunt's foster child.. also a teenager. After a week, we got split up and I rode with a long distance truck driver for close to a week without her. His runs were usually between his home base in Ardmore and Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Mr. Truck Driver got a motel room one afternoon in Texas to sleep so he could do some night driving. When I woke up later, he was gone. No note. No nothing. I had never been so scared in my life as I was walking to the interstate alone and putting my thumb out, not knowing for sure where I was or where I was going.
A nice man picked me up and took me to a city outside Dallas called Grapevine so I could turn myself in to the local police. I did that and they called my mom back in Florida so she could wire me a plane ticket to come home. I spent the weekend in jail waiting for the ticket.
And that's why I remember Ardmore, Oklahoma.
What a small world. My husband was born in Ardmore, Oklahoma. Moved to California when he was six.
blatantly honest post...brave you
ahhh, memories lol..
Probably a good deterrent not to run away from home again.
I'd never heard that story before! I've been to Ardmore for a wedding (my ex's friend), and Grapevine is only a few hours from me. I can't believe the man took you to jail! But at least you were safe.
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You must have been scared to death!
WOW! I didn't remember this story. I can't imagine how scary it must have been.
Oh my gosh. I can't even imagine going thru that. How scary. Thank God you were okay!
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