This time was different. She wouldn't stop. She was using her 'big girl' bark, too. Her 'I mean business' bark. The hair on her back was standing up.
When I'm using my laptop like I was that day I have a pretty good view of my neighborhood. I didn't see anything so went back to FB or whatever I was doing and told her to be quiet. She didn't be quiet. If anything she got even louder.
I started wondering if there was someone bringing me some best diet pills. Or maybe there was *gasp* an ax murderer lurking just out of view! I knew I had to get out of my chair and have a better look. I did. I saw nothing, nobody.
Hannah's barking made me look harder. I glanced at the road. I saw what was causing all the commotion. It was a twig.. with a few leaves on it. The breeze was rustling the leaves.
It's good to know if a TWIG ever decides to attack us we'll be safe. Or at least alerted to its presence.
Good job Hannah!!!
LOL Good job girl! *pats the pups head*
hope you don't have too many twigs as your baby will never stop barking.
Dogs are funny, especially Hannah....at least you know her 'barker alert' works :)
Well now I know what kira is barking at when she's going nuts and there's no one outside.
You know...that could have been an evil twig. You can never be too sure nowadays. Good thing your dog is looking out for you. :)
Good thing she was on the job those twigs can be nasty
Good ole Hannah, keeping you safe!
Hooray for Hannah, the Bravest Dog in the Whole Wide World.
Hey - ya never know what those twigs might be up to! Good Banana!
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