So, we found a trailer in a nice park where they assured us we could do anything we liked with our yard and that they were very pet friendly. That ended today with a note we got stuck in our door. (The neighbors got one, too. It wasn't just us.)
The note said from now on dogs may not be tied outside. They must be on a leash with their owner present. Mr. Skittles works ten hours a day. He takes her out in the morning and handles her after he gets home BUT I have to let her out when he's at work and I cannot just GO outside in my running shorts and take her for a jog. For one I cannot go outside period on most days. Secondly, she's too big and strong for me to manage on a leash.
That's why we bought steps for the other door where we could put a tie-out for her. I don't leave her out there all day. Just long enough for her to do her business and I'm usually just inside the door watching her. Then I call her in.
So now I'm in a panic. I don't want to get kicked out of the park for violating the new rule. I can't make myself go outside. I can't leave her in her crate all day waiting for Mr. Skittles to get home. I don't know what to do. *SIGH*
First i would try to find out why this new rule came about? are people complaining over barking dogs or something? I'd talk with the neighbors to find out if anyone else does not like the new rule and then gather the troops to let management know you are not happy. you can also write a letter stating the fact that you can not go outside and you asked about the conditions for pets before you moved in.
If you were physically disabled and could only make it to the door to hook your dog up to a tie - I don't think there is anything they could do about it.
Maybe tell them your situation and how it is somewhat similar - it's not like you tie the dog up and leave your home... or do it at night not that it is ANY of their business but provide a doctors note if necessary.....
and I would DEF. check your lease or agreement/contract to see if it says anything about the issue - They can't just make up any ol' rule they want overnight!
I agree with everyone else. She kind of IS on a leash when she's on the tie out, and if you're just inside the door and let her back in after she's done her business, there should be NO problem with that!
And, if they give you anymore crap - send Gina to have a talk with them!
First off... let them know of your medical condition. They can't discriminate against you because of a medical condition. If they insist on implementing this new rule get yourself a LONG leash or have one made at a Tractor Supply or Mike can even make it. Then hook her to both the lead and the leash. Stay inside the doorway holding the leash and you'll have view of her and a hold of her, but the lead will stop you from becoming a lawn ornament :) I know my way around the rules of a trailer park! If you need any more help you know where to find me! I saw a necklace on Etsy that I think we both need... it's says "Stay calm and take your meds"! Take a deep breath... take your meds and don't let this set you back!
anytime there is a medical condition if you can connect it with an issues do so . if need get the doctor write up something to hand in to the person in charge.
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