Friday, October 02, 2009

Camera Critters

You can play this at Camera Critters!


Our (almost) 10 month old puppy, Hannah, likes to wait at the window to watch the school kids walking home.

I wonder if she'd be excited to see a truck from Circuit City? I would.


Calico Crazy said...

She is so cute. Our boy used to wait at the top of the stairs for Miss Muffin, and if she didn't get off the bus boy would he worry. Glad Hannah's got some entertainment.

Thanks for adding me to your blog list.

Calico Contemplations

WithThanksgiving said...

Does she go crazy barking to want to join them?

Queen-Size funny bone said...

she's searching out a play mate.

eileeninmd said...

Hanna is a beauty, I'm sure she loves children. Thanks for sharing and I hope all is well.

Misty DawnS said...

I think she's waiting for me to come visit ;-)