Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Stuck In Low Gear

I seem to be stuck in low gear today. I can't get moving. Can't plan anything to do. I haven't even fed the poor dog yet. It started early this morning with a small panic attack and I can't seem to shake having had it.

This sucks.

I know.. I'll play some Robbie!!!!

Back again. That helped. For about half an hour.. *sigh* I did feed the dog, though.


Erika Jean said...

Blame the cold weather. I do ;-) In fact I blame a lot of things on the weather now that I think of it! haha!

Calico Crazy said...

Hope your Thursday is better. ~ Calico Contemplations

Smalltown RN said...

Sorry to hear you r having such a rough time...remember the other day when you talked about doing something positive..and you marched to a you thinkg you could put on a Robbie song and do that again?

Hugs my friend

angel6033 said...

sometimes I put off feedin my dogs when I am feeling bad, then I look a them and feel worse so I just feed them :)..Hope you had a better day today ...

Grace said...

Did you feed the dog today? I have an incredible headache today, think it's detox from sugar. How are you doing?

Positive Pieces Prevail said...

I feel the same way